
Laurelie - Laurelie 1970

Laurelie biography
LAURELIE is part of the first wave of prog groups to appear in Belgium (along with WATERLOO, MAD CURRY & The PEBBLES), even if there were still many psychedelic treats in their music (this is true also for the other groups just mentioned). Seemingly out of Eastern Belgium?s Ardennes, the group was a standard prog quartet with a flutist. Their sole album, released on a Barclay subsidiary label called triangle was released in early 1970 and they sounded a bit like TRAFFIC, with a touch of BJH in their more symphonic moments.

Their music is a mix of shorter psych-filled tracks and two longer prog tracks, including a five-piece suite almost filling the second side of the album. The group did not manage to stay long together and later that year, you would find bassist Pierre Rapsaet a member of the equally-collectible JENGHIZ KHAN. 

 Tracklist :

01. Sad Stone
02. Remember Ronny
03. Dracula's Way Of Makin' Love
04. Have A Coke
05. Ugly Dirty Man
06. Tower Of Illusion
07. Spiders In Your Hair
08. Deborah Jane And Laurelie - Chapter I: Deborah
09. Deborah Jane And Laurelie - Chapter II: Fish
10. Deborah Jane And Laurelie - Chapter III: Days, Dreams, Hopes
11. Deborah Jane And Laurelie - Chapter IV: Pink Clouds
12. Deborah Jane And Laurelie - Chapter V: Laurelie, Laurelie


Pierre Raepsaet / bass, guitar, vocals
Christian Boissart / guitar, vocals
Yvon Hubert / piano, organ, vocals
Francis Dozin / flute, vocals
Andre Marquet / drums)

Flawed Gems GEM 56 2011


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